Is Your Car's Suspension Beginning To Fail? Watch For These Signs
ShareA car's suspension system ensures a smooth ride and helps keep the tires in contact with the road. Unfortunately, suspension problems are relatively common and can often be difficult to diagnose.
If you suspect that your car might have suspension issues, here are some key signs to look out for.
Pulling to One Side
The suspension system helps keep your car stable and level as you drive. If one or more of the suspension components is damaged or worn out, it can cause the car to pull to one side. The damaged component(s) can't provide the same level of support as the others, causing the vehicle to tilt slightly.
This is most noticeable when driving on a straight road. Your car might start to veer to the left or right without you even touching the steering wheel. If this is happening, it's important to get your car to a mechanic as soon as you can so they can unmask the real issue. The problem may not always be with the suspension system alone, so a self-diagnosis can be inaccurate if you're not handy with cars.
Uneven Tire Wear
The suspension system also plays a role in how evenly your tires wear down. Worn suspension components can cause the tires to tilt at an angle, leading to premature and uneven tire wear.
You might notice that one or more of your tires is wearing down much faster than the others. In some cases, you might even see bald spots or "cupping" on the tires. If the suspension components are to blame, it's important to get them replaced as soon as possible. Otherwise, you'll have to replace your tires much sooner than you normally would.
Uneven tire wear can negatively affect your car's handling. It can also make your car less fuel-efficient since the engine has to work harder to turn the wheels.
A Bouncy Ride
A car with damaged suspension components often has a "bouncy" ride. That is, the car will bounce more than usual when driving over bumps or potholes.
This is caused by the shocks or struts not being able to dampen the movement of the wheels properly. Shocks are designed to absorb the impact of bumps and potholes, but they can only do so much if they're damaged.
As a result, the wheels move up and down more than they should, leading to a rougher ride. In some cases, the problem might be with the springs instead. They might be worn out or broken, causing the same bouncy effect.
Either way, it's best to get the problem checked out by a professional. A bouncy ride can be quite unpleasant, especially if you're driving on a rough road. It can also lead to additional wear and tear on your car's suspension components. So the sooner you get it fixed, the safer and more comfortable your ride will be.
Reach out to a mechanic shop near you to learn more.